Plainfield Taxi Dispatch : Local Taxi Rates in Plainfield, IL


Local Trips in Plainfield, IL  & other towns / suburbs : Per Mile

Please note that we currently only provide limited local service within Plainfield.

Trips originating in Plainfield and ending in a different suburb like Naperville, Aurora, Oswego, Bolingbrook, Whetaon, Oakbrook, etc are usually charged per mile. Also trips that end in Plainfield but have originated in other towns are also charged by the mile. Currently the minimum charge for a point to point trip originating or ending in Plainfield is $20-$35 depending on location and availability.

Our per mile rates are simple. The rate starts at $5.00 when the customer gets in the vehicle. We do not charge to drive up to your pickup location! Once the vehicle starts moving, the per mile rate is $3.00/mile. On ocassion if the vehicle is stopped in traffic or at the customer request, the waiting time rate is $1/minute.

Additional passengers are just an extra $1 per trip. There is no extra charge for reasonable luggage and tolls are extra.


Local Trips in Plainfield, IL  & other towns / suburbs : Flat Rates

Often we offer flat rates, even for a trip that normally is charged via per mile rates. Flat rates offer the assurance of knowing the total fare (plus an optional tip for the driver) ahead of time. Besides flat rates negate the extra charge that per mile rates would incur in case the ride encounters traffic or the driver takes an alternate route.

Generally, flat rates are about 20% cheaper than the per mile rate but are conditioned by vehicle availability, driver willingness and our upcoming dispatch schedule at that moment. Feel free to call us anytime 24/7/365 at 815-609-7533 to request a flat rate quote for your next trip from Plainfield. Our friendly, knowledgeable dispatchers will answer all your questions and if possible give you a flat rate.

If a flat rate isn't possible due to any reason, our dispacthers will do their best to give you a rough estimate of the fare based on the trip information. Please note that estimates are totally approximate and can vary, based on route taken, stops in between, etc.